Once I was a warden of flaying shy asterisk.
Now a concierge of bold ampersand.
The stars in me owl into a collected postscripts.
I wave at myself hiking the sun.
Does it flow like this elsewhere, this river of loneliness
Granule-ing the cores of my being?
There is a pelican ostriching the robin-eagle of my swift.
I watch the light answer to my desires: I mean the words
Ordained in my pancreatic shelves babying little graces.
I unhay this moment.
Hold for me a little longer this smile nestling at my desires.
I embrace my dolphins and unfurl into a gallery of audacious ampersands.
I eagle swift here and unfurl into a gallery of gallant ampersands.
I know the joy rays by molecules.
I stand on my worries dancing with origami of lighthouses.